Lowongan Kerja Februari di PT Antareja Prima Antaran 2024
|JobsNas.Com –PT Antareja Prima Antaran RPX adalah pionir pengiriman logistik terpadu (one stop logistics) dengan pengalaman lebih dari 30 tahun di Indonesia. Kami mendukung industri dan perdagangan baik dalam pertukaran barang domestik dan internasional meliputi: transportasi darat, pengiriman udara dan laut di seluruh dunia, kontrak logistik, manajemen rantai pasokan (supply chain management), serta pergudangan transit dan logistik.
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Lowongan Kerja Februari di PT Antareja Prima Antaran
Executive Trainee Program 2024
RPX One Stop Logistics is seeking a dynamic and driven Executive Trainee to join our team. Executive Trainee is RPX’s structured and intensive development initiative designed to groom individuals for leadership roles, might well known as a fast-track career program. You’ll be part of a one-year Executive Development Program to shape you into a proficient career path.
If you are:
- Bachelor’s (S1) or Master’s (S2) degree in any major, preferably in Marketing Management, Business Administration, Logistics Management, Communication Studies, or Economics.
- Achieve min. GPA of 3.00 for Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees.
- Have an experience in Sales/Marketing roles for a maximum of 2 years experience.
- Excellent communication and presentation skills.
- Strong analytical thinking and learning agility.
- Proven leadership potential with a proactive and selfdriven mindset.
- Proficient in English, both verbal and written (TOEFL prediction min. 450).
- Willing to travel and relocate in all RPX branches across Indonesia.
What’s in it for you:
- Receive extensive training and mentorship to jumpstart your career in business development and sales management for a whole year.
- A clear path for career advancement that will help you achieve a highpositional level that is a position equivalent to a supervisor level shortly after the training period ends.
- Access to experienced mentors within the organization who offer guidance and support.
- Thrive in a collaborative and supportive work culture that values innovation and teamwork.
- Contribute to the success of a leading logistics solutions provider with a global presence.
silahkan kirim lamaran anda melalui link berikut ini :
Rekrutmen PT Antareja Prima Antaran RPX tidak pernah memungut biaya apapun dalam proses rekrutmen
Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi syarat yang akan kami proses ke tahap selanjutnya